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In the context of the DIGITSENSE Research program, a workshop took place on Monday 27.11.2023 in Athens with great success,. The object of DIGITSENSE  is the development of an innovative intelligent digital-twin of ships' energy systems which constitutes an integrated platform for the collection, processing and visualization of the measurements from the various sensors installed on the ship, while at the same time these measurements feed simulation models (graded levels of physical depth) of the ship's energy systems. PRISMA ELECTRONICS SA collaborated with the Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Department of the Naval Cadet School, the Energy and Environmental Research Laboratory - ELKE-EKPA/ E²ReLab and Laskaridis Shipping Co., Ltd for the development of the "Digital Twin" of the energy systems of a ship.



DIGITSENSE Research Program

In the DIGITSENSE Research Program which is implemented within the framework of the Action of National Scope "RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE SECOND CYCLE", of the Operational Program "COMPETITIVENESS, ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION", with the co-financing of Greece and the European Union, the company PRISMA ELECTRONICS SA, with the Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Department of the Naval Cadet School and the Energy and Environmental Research Laboratory - ELKE-EKPA/ E²ReLab, with the aim of developing a "Digital Twin" of the energy systems of a ship and its connection with a system for collecting and processing measurements from the various sensors installed on the ship,creating an integrated environment where in real time the digital twin will be fed with measurements from the respective energy systems and will provide estimation of energy flows.